Yup! You're eyes are NOT deceiving you! And yeppers, the title says it all! This new little bean is Due in June! June 23rd to be exact!! So, according to the calendar, I'm a little over 5 weeks along! Mixed feelings come with finding out so early. I'm excited as all get out, of course, but I also know that it makes for a very long 35 weeks. LOL.

Of course, a million and one dreams and schemes have manifested, all in the course of 24 hours. What will he or she look like? Will it be a "he" or "she"? How will Malcolm be affected? How will our little family change? Of course, none of these compare to the utter sense of joy and completion that has enveloped my heart. Our family will be complete And amazingly enough, Matthew surprised me with his thoughts on names. We were SO adamant that we wouldn't do anymore M's or J's. Well, once again, he's touched my heart with his sensitivity and his own heart. His suggestion...Let's find a J name, so that we'll have two M's and two J's, so that I'm not the odd man out. ::sniffle:: So far, and if we follow 'tradition' this very well could change at the last minute lol, I'm liking Jillian and Jayden. (We all remember 'Benjamin', right? LOLOL) But it's early, and right now, I can say, we have lots of time to figure it out. Of course, I'm sure, this will go go quickly, and before I know it, I'll be in a state of panic. LOL
So, how did I tell Matthew? I think this says it all...

And so, here we again, start another journey into the wonderfully exciting, giddily fantastic, and utterly scary world of Pregnancy! Lucky for Matthew, we have added another two years of scrapbooking and blogging to keep me busy!

Okay, I in order to get you here, without ruining the surprise, I had to deceive you.. a LITTLE bit.. ::grin:: But wasn't it worth it?
Well, since you've all been such good sports about it, I'll throw up (no pun intended...lol) some REAL pictures of our trip to Texas! Hahaha!! Enjoy!

And so, here we again, start another journey into the wonderfully exciting, giddily fantastic, and utterly scary world of Pregnancy! Lucky for Matthew, we have added another two years of scrapbooking and blogging to keep me busy!

Okay, I in order to get you here, without ruining the surprise, I had to deceive you.. a LITTLE bit.. ::grin:: But wasn't it worth it?
Well, since you've all been such good sports about it, I'll throw up (no pun intended...lol) some REAL pictures of our trip to Texas! Hahaha!! Enjoy!

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